Ink Blog Plugin goes Gold!

Version 1.0 of the Ink Blog Plugin for Windows Live Writer is now available!  You may download it free here

The self installer will overwrite any previous beta versions, just make sure WLW is not running when you install (or you may be required to reboot).

Most of the changes from Beta 2 to v1.0 were minor bug fixes, tweaks, and the October 1, 2006 expiration was removed.  (NOTE: If you are using Beta 2, please upgrade ASAP, since it will quit working soon).

There were two features I really wanted to get in, but couldn’t (A Call for Help):

  • Ability to show / hide recognized text on the blog pages
  • Ability to hyperlink inside the ink

I was able to get both of these working inside my test blog, but as soon as I tested on other blog service/software everything broke.  It seems that many blog packages strip out certain HTML, JS and CSS tags inside the post, presumably for security, which makes sense.  So finding the right combination that will work on the major blogs, without being stripped out, seems to be difficult.

I’m sure there is a HTML/CSS guru out there who could whip this up quickly, but unfortunately this is not an area of expertise for me (though it’s been a lot of fun learning!) and I did just not have the time to get it in V1.  If you are an expert, and would like to help here, please get in touch.  Since this is a free product, the only pay will be the joy of knowing thousands of people are using (or at least downloading) something you helped create.  You do not need to be a .NET or plugin programmer to help here, you would just need to supply the sample HTML etc.. in a text document, and I can integrate it into the code.

That’s all for now folks, please keep the great feedback and suggestions coming!

30 thoughts on “Ink Blog Plugin goes Gold!

  1. I had a blog comment today wondering if the Ink Blog Plugin runs under Vista. Oddly enough, I had not

  2. I’m still loving Windows Live Writer for creating Blog Articles! It’s great to be able to create the

  3. Hey, Ed, everybody should know how WELL it works to copy and paste from Windows Journal into the ink blog windows. It’s not like a basic image that comes over as an inherently grouped object. All the pieces are still “live” and can be individually editable. Top notch!!

    I’ve been transferring some sketches I already made over to the Web this way for my students.


  4. I seem to have a high error rate for text recognition with the plugin. So, I tried an experiment based upon a comment from above. I created ink with Journal and had it convert to text. It did so without error. I then pasted the ink into the plugin and had it do a text conversion and came up with a close conversion, but not correct. I’ve been using the plugin to do my inkblog, but not as consistently as I would like due to the manual corrections I need to make and the slower conversion time.

    So I am wondering why there are different results?



  5. Kevin, No Clue why this is happening it is using the same recognition engine as journal (and anything else on the Tablet PC). Maybe using the lined paper and writing in that would help some?

    I’ll probably update the plugin (at some point) to use the newer Ink Analysis API which is much more accurate in my experience.

  6. Great plugin for tabletPC users. I’m using it with to post on DotClear, uploading images via FTP. Worked great since the last days.

    I’ve a strange issue while trying to access drafts. For regular drafts (means no ink blog in it), I can access them without any pb but when trying to reload a draft containing ink, I’ve a nice error message

    Do any other users have this kind of issues? Any way to fix it?



  7. The Live Writer team released Beta 2 today. It has quite a few new features, and an update GUI that looks

  8. Trying it out but get broken image in wordpress using both my xp and my vista machines. Any advice? All seems to work up until i push pubish. Normal live writer blogging works fine.

  9. I am trying to run this with Windows 7, and I keep getting an error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException. It says it cannot find Microsoft.mshtml. Any suggestions?

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